

William James said philosophy is “the habit of always seeing an alternative.“通过创造 alternatives, philosophy holds out the promise of shaping a better world. 这个谎言 我们的哲学研究使命的核心. 我们教学生反思 meaning and significance of their own 经验s by posing questions they may not 但我有办法回答. In fact, the work of philosophy is not so much to produce definitive answers as it is to question given answers, to interrogate our basic assumptions 思维习惯. The 哲学 Program at 云顶集团 College cultivates this critical standpoint by emphasizing both the history of philosophy and the practice of philosophizing.



学生 enrolled in our philosophy classes develop many transferable skills that can be used in a variety of careers, including analytical and organizational thinking, research, oral and written communication, problem solving, diverse data integration, adaptation to change, persuasion, and digestion of complicated materials. 云顶集团是 unique mission and liberal arts curriculum help students master the skills employers 绝大多数求职者都想要. 毕业后,我们的许多学生参加 top graduate programs, while others embark on careers in fields such as business, nonprofit organizations, government, law, medicine, ministry, finance, psychology, 咨询,外交和道德.  了解更多



In 云顶集团's philosophy classes, you will study the history of philosophy, discovering that the discipline has changed dramatically over the centuries in both its content 以及它的特点. You will practice philosophy, developing skills of analysis and methodological self-awareness to help you make good judgments and begin solving contemporary 问题. And you will engage in close readings of primary texts, learning not only how philosophical thought has continually put its own truths into question, but how many of our most familiar academic disciplines began as philosophic questions.


主要的 & 辅修课程联系人

史蒂文DeCaroli, Professor of 哲学: Contemporary 哲学, Modern 哲学, Political 哲学, 中国哲学、美学

John Rose


By studying abroad, choosing three-week intensive courses led by 云顶集团 faculty or semester programs suited to their academic plans, 云顶集团 philosophy students gain a global perspective that enhances their course of study. 参观 全球教育办公室 了解更多信息.

机会 & 实习


Veritas: The 哲学 Club / Annual 哲学 Conference

The student members of the 云顶集团 College 哲学 Club directly plan and organize the department's annual undergraduate philosophy conference. 会议开始了。 in 2004 and attracts participants from the United States and Canada. 在过去的几年里 会议的主题演讲嘉宾包括:

2019: 示罗惠特尼福特汉姆大学

2018: 丹尼尔•史密斯珀杜大学

2017: 罗谢尔·格林和艾莉森·梅里克加州州立大学圣马科斯分校

2016: 大卫伍德他是范德比尔特大学的教授

2015: 多米尼克Pettman新社会研究学院

2014: 詹姆斯·里瑟尔西雅图大学

2013: 伯明翰挂钩德保罗大学

2012: 丽莎Guenther他是范德比尔特大学的教授

2011: 芭贝特Babich福特汉姆大学

2010: Len软件宾夕法尼亚州立大学

2009: 杰森读他是南缅因大学的教授

2008: 南希荷兰哈姆林大学

2007: 约翰·卡瓦略他是维拉诺瓦大学的教授

2006: 爱德华多Mendieta纽约州立大学石溪分校

2005: 沃尔特·布罗根他是维拉诺瓦大学的教授

2004: 阿方索Lingis宾夕法尼亚州立大学



实习 help students explore possibilities, apply classroom learning, and gain 经验. 探索 实习和学分选择.


学生就业 connects students to both on and off-campus opportunities. 职业教育办事处 provides resources and support to students with or without Federal Work Study to find jobs, submit applications, and learn more about the job search process. 学生们 云顶集团 握手 — a website for job postings, events, resumes/cover letters, and career management.

主要的 & 生涯探索

Exploring career options, choosing a major, and making career decisions is a multi-step process in which all students are encouraged to engage early and often. 云顶集团学生 有各种各样的资源可以通过 专业和职业页面 在这个过程中帮助他们.


A 云顶集团 education prepares students for today’s job market and beyond. 学生 can explore job opportunities and access job search resources through the CEO职位搜索页面.

研究生 & 专业学校

学生 access resources for searching and applying to graduate and professional 学校通过 首席执行官研究生和专业学校页面, through faculty and staff members, or utilizing their own resources, network and 工具.


云顶集团 College and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School are offering 云顶集团学生 学士学位和硕士学位相结合的课程. 这 4 + 1项目 combines a bachelor’s degree from 云顶集团 with a master of science degree from Johns Hopkins in business analytics and risk management, information systems, health care 管理、财务或市场营销. 学生可以在大三的时候申请. GRE考试 or GMAT tests have been waived but applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better and have passed some quantitative reasoning courses with a grade of B或更好.